Here we describe the type of output you can generate with CT. We describe the JSON data you must send to the stack in the output_asset section of the JSON payload you send to the TranscodeActivity.

  1. Common attributes

    All transcoding requires common attributes regardless of their types.

  2. Video output

    Use this syntax to transcode a video to another video. We use ffmpeg command for this.

  3. Presets

    Presets allow you to easily describe transcoding prameters in a file and ask the Transcoding Activity to read it and pass it to FFMpeg.
  4. Watermark

    If you want to overlay a watermark image on top of your video. Use those options
  5. Thumbnails output

    Use these options to output thumbnails from a video. We use ffmpeg command for this.

  6. Image output

    Use these options to output an image from another image. image to image transcoding. We use convert command for this.

Common attributes

Those options are common to all output types.

    "output_asset": {
            "type": "VIDEO",
            "bucket": "ClientA-bucket-out",
            "file": "/output1/test1_sd.mp4",
            "s3_rrs": true,
            "s3_encrypt": true,

These are the common JSON fields describing any output files of any types.

The output_type field is dependent on the input_type field. You cannot convert a VIDEO into a DOC for example.

key type default mandatory description values
type string none yes Type of the file to ouput VIDEO, THUMB, IMAGE
bucket string none yes S3 bucket where the ouput file will be uploaded any
file string none yes Path and filename of the file to generate and upload any
s3_rrs string false no Activate Reduced redundancy or not in S3 storage true, false
s3_encrypt string false no Activate backend storage encryption true,false

Video Output

You can use presets:

    "output_asset": {
            "type": "VIDEO",
            "bucket": "ClientA-bucket-out",
            "file": "/output1/test1_sd.mp4",
            "s3_rrs": true,
            "s3_encrypt": true,
            "preset": "720p-generic.json",
            "watermark": {
                  "bucket": "ClientA-bucket-in",
                  "file": "/watermark/logo.png",
                  "size": "75.2:28.4",
                  "opacity": 0.2,
                  "x": -20,
                  "y": -20

Or you can execute arbitrary FFMpeg commands:

    "output_asset": {
            "type": "VIDEO",
	    "bucket": "ClientA-bucket-out",
	    "file": "/output1/video1.mp4",
	    "s3_rrs": true,
	    "s3_encrypt": true,
	    "custom_cmd": "ffmpeg -i ${input_file} -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 22 -c:a copy ${watermark_options} ${output_file}",
	    "watermark": {
	    	 "bucket": "ClientA-bucket-in",
	    	 "file": "/no-text-96px.png",
	    	 "size": "96:96",
	    	 "opacity": 0.2,
	    	 "x": -20,
	    	"y": -20

There are the JSON fields describing VIDEO output files when using Presets. You can override presets values within the JSON.

key type default mandatory description values
preset object none yes Preset to use to transcode the file Find presets
size string original size no Define output size. Valid for videos and images only x
video_codec string from preset no Override the video codec used by preset ffmpeg codec
audio_codec string from preset no Override the audio codec used by preset ffmpeg codec
video_bitrate string from preset no Override video bitrate used by preset valid bitrate
audio_bitrate string from preset no Override audio bitrate used by preset valid bitrate
frame_rate string from preset no Override framerate used by preset valid framerate
watermark object none no Describe watermark for the video see Watermark section
keep_ratio boolean true no Keep the ratio of the original video. 4:3 or 16:9 true,false
no_enlarge boolean true no Prevent enlarging the video size from original, even if bigger size is provided. true,false


    "name": "System preset: Generic Apple TV 3G",
    "description": "Generic transcoding preset for: Apple TV 3G, Roku HD/2 XD",
    "size": "1920x1080",
    "frame_rate": 30,
    "video_bitrate": "5000k",
    "audio_bitrate": "160k",
    "video_codec": "libx264",
    "audio_codec": "libfdk_aac",
    "video_codec_options": "MaxReferenceFrames:3,Profile:high,Level:4"

The presets can contain the following entries but can be overriden by providing the same entry in your JSON payload:

key type default mandatory description values
name string no yes Name of the preset n/a
description string no yes Description of the preset n/a
size string original size yes Define output size. Valid for videos and images only x
video_codec string no yes Override the video codec used by preset ffmpeg codec
audio_codec string no yes Override the audio codec used by preset ffmpeg codec
video_bitrate string no yes Override video bitrate used by preset valid bitrate
audio_bitrate string no yes Override audio bitrate used by preset valid bitrate
frame_rate string no yes Override framerate used by preset valid framerate
video_codec_options string no no Codec options such as: “MaxReferenceFrames:3,Profile:high,Level:4”  

A list of pre-made presets can be found in the CT project and here:


    "watermark": {
        "bucket": "ClientA-bucket-in",
        "file": "/watermark/logo.png",
        "size": "75.2:28.4",
        "opacity": 0.2,
        "x": -20,
        "y": -20

Use this object within a VIDEO output description to overlay an image on top of the video.

You can control many aspects of that image using the options below.

key type default mandatory description values
butcket string none yes Bucket name where the watermark is located any
file string none yes Filename and path of the file containing the watermark any
size string none yes Size of the watermark in the video result x:y. Use -1 on x OR y, to provide no value and keep ratio
opacity string 0.7 no Change the default watermark opacity 0.1 to 1.0
x string -10 no Change the watermark position. In pixels. -0 to -n, 0 to n
y string -10 no Change the watermark position. In pixels. -0 to -n, 0 to n

Thumbnail Output

Generates a thumbnail from a precise location in the video (in seconds)

    "output": {
            "type": "THUMB",
            "mode": "snapshot",
            "bucket": "ClientA-bucket-out",
            "file": "/output1/thumbs/test1_thumb.jpg",
            "s3_rrs": true,
            "s3_encrypt": true,
            "size": "160:120",
            "snapshot_sec": 5

Generates N thumbnails at each intervals (in seconds)

    "output": {
            "type": "THUMB",
            "mode": "intervals",
            "bucket": "ClientA-bucket-out",
            "file": "/output1/thumbs_interval/test2_thumb.jpg",
            "s3_rrs": true,
            "s3_encrypt": true,
            "size": "-1:159",
            "intervals": 5

These are the output attributes you must provide to generate thumbnails from a video. Thumbnails are an output_type on its own.

key type default mandatory description values
mode string snapshot no Type of thumbnails generation needed snapshot, intervals
bucket string none yes S3 bucket and path where the ouput thumbnails will be uploaded any
file string none yes filename for your thumbnails.We will append sequence number any
intervals integer 10 no Override default interval in seconds. any
snapshot_sec interger 0 no Second in the video when to take the snapshot any
size string none yes Size of the thumbnails x:y. Use -1 on x OR y, to provide no value and keep ratio

Image Output

Generates an image from another image.

    "output": {
            "type": "IMAGE",
            "bucket": "ClientA-bucket-out",
            "file": "/output1/images/image.*",
            "s3_rrs": true,
            "s3_encrypt": true,
            "resize": "180x180",
            "quality": 70,
            "crop": "600x600+0+0"

These are the output attributes you must provide to generate a new image from another image.

key type default mandatory description values
bucket string none yes S3 bucket and path where the ouput image will be uploaded any
file string none yes filename for your new image. The extension can be .* to retain the source file extention. Or you can specify anothe extension to transform the file. JPEG to PNG for example any
resize string none no Resize the output image to the desired size /\d+x\d+/
crop string none no Crop the source image to the desired size and coordinate. Follow convert option specs:
quality integer none no Set the quality of the output image. 0-100. 100 being the best quality. Refer to:

Custom command

Both VIDEO and IMAGE transcoding can accept a custom command so you can run the command you want even if it’s not support by the default JSON format.

You can craft your own custom command and CT will execute it for you. In order to reference the input file, watermark options and the wanted output file, three keywords are available to use in your command line. Those keywords will be automatically replaced by CT at runtime by the proper value.

  • ${input_file} : Will be replaced by the location on the local filesystem of your input file specified in the input_asset section. The file referenced in the input_asset section is downloaded on the local disk in /tmp.
  • ${watermark_options} : Only usable for VIDEO output. This will be replaced by the proper options to overlay a watermark on your video. Just specify a watermark section in the output_asset section (see below for details) and CT will add the proper options and will download the image for you.
  • ${output_file} : This will be replaced by the location and name of the wanted file. It will be located in /tmp. The resulting file will be uploaded for you to the desired S3 location.

For examples, see the client_example/input_samples folder in the CPE project. There are example JSON files there that illustrate the different options you have.